Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Day 3: Challenge...?

Since I have started every other blog with a description of my previous nights sleep, today will be no different. I got the table "bed" to myself and it was wonderful. Layne and I decided that we would take turns for the next 3 nights, and last night was my lucky night. I slept like a baby. Layne said that dad snored all night (whoops, sorry dad I gave you away) but I never heard it. It was great.

Today was our longest day. 72.5 miles when all was said and done. I toyed around with the idea of doing a century (100 miles) since we would only be about 30 miles away from it. As my dad and I were riding the last 10 miles to the finish line, I ran the idea of turning around by him. He said he absolutely didn't want to, but if challenged, he would. I said that I really didn't want to either, but I am also always up for a challenge. It was a very delicate conversation after that. Both talking about riding a century, but also both of us being as careful as possible that it would not turn into a challenge. It was a funny conversation and we decided that it was an offer that neither of us wanted to accept and we left it at that. He then spent the rest of the ride teaching me about differnt types of weeds that grow in fields ("anything in a field that is not supposed to be there is a weed!"). He is in farmers heaven this week, riding by all of the fields and checking them out. I dubbed the term "croparazzi" for him. He really liked that one.

This morning was freezing and they served ice cream at the first rest stop?? I didn't have any. I couldn't even take my coat off until the second one! It was sunny for most of the day and I am working on some wicked tan lines! Today was also a litle more hilly than the other 2 days. The downhills are harder for me than the uphills. I get hand cramps from holding my brakes so tight. I am not a fan of going downhill on a bike when semis are speeding by the other direction and the cross wind nearly knocks you off your bike. Scary.

Tomorrow is only about 45 miles so it should seem like a piece of cake compared to today. I would like to dedicate my first 23 miles to my coworker Desirae who's 23rd birthday is tomorrow. Happy birthday des! Until tomorrow!


  1. The most interesting thing in this post is the fact that You passed on icecream! That's one for the books. Let me guess why - no chocolate sauce ;)

  2. Dearest Loran,

    I thank you very much for the dedication of your first 25 miles that you rode for me. However, I too wish you would have done the 100 mile challenge. And I would have been more grateful for the last 27.5 miles dedicated to me (although I'm only the big 2-3.) I'm just kidding.. but how kind of you to think of me while out on your long bike ride! I <3 your blog.. and you! We miss you here.. I know you wish you were working instead!

    Peace, and Happy Riding!

  3. Dear Loran and Family,
    Thank you for letting us keep track of you on your journey.
    Mom and Dad hope all goes well with the storm damage.
    Loran miss your face at the office,


